MENA Timeline
1909 – The Department of Justice determines that people of Middle Eastern descent are considered “white.”
2020 – Debate arises over whether the 2020 US Census should contain a MENA-Identifying question. Then president Donald Trump strikes the question down.
???, 2020 – The MESC begins its work on adding the MENA category to the UW Application, after many of MESC constituents shared their personal experience being denied resources because of their “whiteness.”
???, 2020 – The MESC gauges student attitudes towards the MENA category in a school-wide survey.
???, 2021 – The MESC begins talks with OMAD and UW Admissions over the MENA Category.
???, 2021 – MENA Category addition is debated in the ASUW Senate.
???, 2021 – The MESC connects with _____